Tag Archives: improving yourself

New Online Critique Group!

A newer member of our group, Isham James, would like to start an AWA online critique group and we’re looking for other interested parties.

I know sometimes it’s hard to be able to meet up in Athens at the same place and time. Whether you work odd hours or live a little outside the city (as I do), it can be a challenge to make it to a physical meeting for a critique group. This online group will hopefully provide a chance to improve your craft on your schedule.

What are we looking for?

We’re looking for 5-7 prose fiction writers who are willing to commit to trying this idea for a few months. Why prose fiction? As well being very popular within our group, other kinds of writers like poets and nonfiction writers may be disappointed be find themselves surrounded by those who don’t understand their craft as they do. If you’re interested in leading a differently focused group, let me know!

The loose plan right now is that the group will post to private Google Docs files and each member would submit new material once a month (probably a short story or chapter). Please email me at katherinecerulean@gmail.com by August 19th, 2017 if you are interested or have any questions.